1) If
someone disable the JavaScript then we can show message by adding tag
<noscript><h3>JavaScript is not
2) JavaScript
is case sensitive.
3) Variable
can be start by _,$,lower case and upper case
4) There
are 4 data types Number, string, Boolean, object
5) You
can convert string to number using Number(stringvalue)
6) We
can convert number to string string using String(numbervalue)
7) Multiplication
automatically convert string to number.
8) parseInt
function convert from decimal to integer
9) Boolean(23)
, Boolean(-3) will return true, Boolean(0) will return false. So anything other
than zero will return true.
10) We
can create array in java script using Array
11) Iterate in array
12) We
can use string in switch condition in javascript
13) toFixed method fixed the number of digit after decimal
14) JSON stands for JavaScript
Object Notation. It is lightweight format for creating objects that is part of
and built into Javascipt. Json is part of javaScript and not a separate entity,
it built into the raw javaScript programming langugae.
15) Json becoming a very popular data-interchange format, so much that is beginning to battle XML in popularity and usage.
16) Json data work as key/value pair
15) Json becoming a very popular data-interchange format, so much that is beginning to battle XML in popularity and usage.
16) Json data work as key/value pair
Var obj1 = {user:”John”,age=12};
17) Sample code
var obj1={user:"john",age:12};
var obj2={user:"kumar",age:72};
var obj3={user:"shambhu",age:92};
var obj4 = {u1:obj1,u2:obj2,u3:obj3}
We can update details here too i.e obj1.age=15
18) obj4.u1.user can be write as obj4["u1"].user or obj4["u1"]["user"]
19) It’s like array but open more possibility for data indexing and data handling. We can store object inside the object like point obj4 in below code. In json we can add Array, but in array we can’t store json
20) some sample